Thursday, September 22, 2011

Facebook Changes.. What does it all mean? Here it is...

Okay so you know that we have had numerous crazy changes on Facebook for the past few years. Every time it happens, everyone starts complaining and became irate with all the changes. The addage, "If it ain't broke... don't fix it" became synonomous with Facebook Makeovers.... Here is what I think...

Yes, Facebook is free and some are saying, "If you don't like it, don't use it". That is not as easy as one thinks, since Facebook has provided so many with great times connecting with old friends, keeping up to date with family members and to feel part of a community of friends. Whatever the need, it was satisfied at the time by Facebook. It was like an addiction was created and every time they changed, we had to look at our addiction square in the face and decide if it was worth itm. Most of the time; it was and we crippled along to learn the new settings.

I think Facebook has been making minor and some major changes for a while now in order to do one thing... They stress the point their service is FREE and will remain Free but I think they are going to launch out some form of "Premium Paid Subscription" so for those that want to CONTROL what they write, comment, who they view, the amount of friends, the game application requests, etc. THEY will be allowed to do it for a monthly fee.

Today, after getting frustrated with the fact that I have to watch over 3000 friends' every move on the right hand side of the page to include who is friends with whom, who said what to who on their own comments, who like what page, etc. I said to myself "IF I could control my own page, I WOULD PAY!!!". I would pay a nominal subscription fee of maybe $5 per month in order to use Facebook the WAY I WANT TO. So I think, that is what is on the horizon... If not, it should be and Mark Zuckerberg can send me a six figure check for implementing it!!

So, we will all so but for now, we will learn how to tweak the changes and make it more user friendly by reading other's suggestions on how to revert back to the old facebook. For now, I leave you with this TIP:

ATTENTION ALL FRIENDS ******* Please do me a favor and move your mouse over my name here, wait for the box to load and then move your mouse over the "Subscribed" link. Then uncheck the "Comments and Likes". I'd prefer my comments/likes on friends and families posts not be made public, Thank You! (I will do the same for you) You can also uncheck games! Then re-post this if you don't want your every single move posted on the right side in the "Ticker Box" for everyone to see!

Good Night and Good Luck Facebook Friends!!!

Marisol Pacheco Richardson

Music Junkie Press